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Testo da correggere dall'utente Juan Francisco

Dear Marc
You'll never guess what we was gone! . We made a short film with our video camera. It was amaizing!
At first nobody knews what we did, but as me I had the camera I was nomitated by myself as director and everybody became to respect my order.
Attached this letter you can found a dvd and I hope you enjoy whit the picture,
that's all my news for now
Bye for now
lingua: Inglese   Conoscenza delle lingue: Madrelingua, Competenza, Avanzate, Medio alto, Intermedio

Rettificato siamese

Dear Marc
You'll never guess what we did! . We made a short film with our video camera. It was amaizing!
At first nobody knew what we did, but as I had the camera I was nomitated as a director by myself and everybody began to respect my orders.
Attached this letter you can find a dvd and I hope you'll enjoy the picture,
that's all my news for now

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