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Inglese lingua

Testo da correggere dall'utente wokulski

Hi Matthew,
I've noticed that you're very stressed every morning at work. I'd like to give you some advice on how to relax before work. Firstly, you have to go sleep earlier. Secondly, I suggest to drink warm milk before sleep. It helps to fall asleep. Thirdly, you can take long walk in the evening. This is only a few advices which help you to be relaxed in the morning at work.
Take care and call me!
lingua: Inglese   Conoscenza delle lingue: Madrelingua, Competenza, Avanzate, Medio alto, Intermedio, Elementare

Rettificato siamese

Hi Matthew,
I've noticed that you're very stressed every morning at work. I'd like to give you some advice on how to relax before work. Firstly, you have to go to sleep earlier. Secondly, I suggest drinking warm milk before sleeping. It helps to fall asleep. Thirdly, you can take a long walk in the evening. These are only a few pieces of advice which may help you to be relaxed in the morning at work.
Take care and call me!

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