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Testo da correggere dall'utente zazza87

I don't have a personal responsibi­lity, but I go 2 or 3 times a week to help the members: I help to organize the charity events, I help the foreigns children with italian and with homework and I try to help donating food and the clothes that I don't use anymore, asking also to my family, my friends and acquaintan­ces that wants help (I like to use the social networks for this purpose). Moreover, every Saturday we organize a lunch for the poor people of the city and I like to bring a part of the food and to prepare the lounge where you eat. During the holidays, like Christmas, New Year's Eve, or the others, we organize a dinner for celebrate with the poor people, like a big family, so them don't feel alone: usually I help to prepare and take part the event except the Christmas' day, because I pass with my family.
lingua: Inglese   Conoscenza delle lingue: Madrelingua, Competenza

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