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Testo da correggere dall'utente Xiro

I would like to tell you about my job. I work seller. I sell sports things like skis, snowboards, masks for swim, balls and other in this sense. I spend a lot of time working but in fact I dont like my job much. It`s not what I want to do in my life. I work since ten to eight but I work in shifts. I work on this job about 10 months. Sometimes when my work day coincides with my English lessons I go to work late or someone replaces me. Sometimes I even do my homework at work. I work together with two men and one woman about my age. I work longer than them. My boss... well he is not nice guy sometimes but I can understand him. I fell responsibl­e at work and it`s understand­able. I kind of guide for clients. If I tell them something wrong their holiday can end before start. All of this very stressful. Also we have time for dinner about thirty minutes. I have chosen to keep the job until this year then we will see. Finally I can say that any work require responsibl­e and hard work. You usually choose which job you want or generally work or not.
lingua: Inglese   Conoscenza delle lingue: Madrelingua, Competenza

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