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Inglese lingua

Testo da correggere dall'utente hthako

Is this a dream or is this for real,
Tender love surrounds us. Can you feel it?
Every time I see you, each time I meet you,
Understand that I live not in vain
Meaning of my life- it's you, know without you
Have no choice I will die in great pain
Listen to the sound of my heart
Girl it screams your name
Even when I close my eyes
You appear in front of me
My fabulous girl, you are my dream
You are my fairy, from a fairy tale
I wanna tell, I wanna scream
How much I love you babe
Sometimes I'm far from you but I know you wait
Don't doubt, don't listen to what they say
Believe me, I'll come to you just have faith
When depressed just close your eyes and pray
Our hearts are tied with invisible threads of love
I will always love you my one beloved
Even the silence speaks for me
I thank God for having sent you to me
Listen to the sound of my heart
Girl it screams your name
Even when I close my eyes
You appear in front of me
lingua: Inglese   Conoscenza delle lingue: Madrelingua, Competenza

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