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Inglese lingua

Testo da correggere dall'utente matezyu

It was early morning on the 10th of March 2012 when some unusual sound woke me up.
I quickly jumped from the bed and looked through the window.
It was surprising­ly nice view.
Everything was white, wherever I looked.
Lot of people were cleaning the snow on the street.
That strange sound was loud mumbling of people.
They were arguing about something.
That was it, snow had arrived to our city.
It must have been snowing for all night long, I concluded.
I put on my winter suit and rushed down the stairs.
My shovel was in the car which was covered with thick layer of snow.
I made a step toward the car through the snow of half meter hight.
One more step and I was near the car.
I tryed to open it but the door was frozen.
I pulled it back and forth but nothing helped.
Lets try another one - I said in despair.
Step by step, in deep snow and with wet shoes, I was at the right side of the car.
I pulled it with all of my strenght and the door was opened!
Finally I entered the vehicle.
Everything in the car was dark because of thick layer of snow on the glasses.
I started the engine and turned on heating to maximum.
Also, I turned on rear window heater.
Shovel was on the back seat and I took it.
At first, I started with cleaning around the car.
Little by little, car was unfrozen.
I made a passage from the car to the main road.
Suddenly, I noticed one woman who tried to park out her car.
Her car was also trapped.
She was in a hurry, because of her medical treatment.
I offered her help.
She was very kind person and she accepted my offer.
In 15 minutes her car was free.
She told me that she works like a web designer in her own private company.
She has worked for foreigners and she has had a lot of job.
At the end, we introduced to each other.
She is 45.
We agreed that if I don't find parking place I will park behind her car.
She didn't like to drive car on this weather.
As she left the place she waved me.
Snow started falling again.
lingua: Inglese   Conoscenza delle lingue: Madrelingua, Competenza, Avanzate, Medio alto

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